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Ragas, Culp's 'Business Essentials' Peer Reviewed by Journals

Communication book adopted for courses in more than a dozen colleges and universities

Business Essentials for Strategic Communicators: Creating Shared Valued for the Organization and its Stakeholders
, authored by PRAD faculty Matt Ragas and Ron Culp, was recently reviewed in two academic journals.

Writing in the International Journal of Communication, Prof. Nina O'Brien of California State University, Los Angeles, calls the book "an accessible and friendly introduction to what the authors call 'Business 101" for students of strategic communication." O'Brien goes on to say that she found herself, "mentally constructing a fun new syllabus around the book’s chapters, and was inspired by the framework it offers students for thinking about the business fundamentals they will encounter as strategic communication practitioners."

In Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, Prof. Ann Marie Major of Penn State University writes that Business Essentials, "provides a broad overview of the business knowledge communications majors need to navigate the future of corporate communication." According to Major, "the book is succinct as the authors synthesize a broad array of business concepts into a single volume. It is a good desk reference for key terms and concepts."

Since its release in December 2014, Business Essentials has sold out of its first two print runs and has been adopted in courses at more than a dozen colleges and universities including American University, Brigham Young University (BYU), Georgetown University, New York University (NYU), University of Georgia, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, and the University of Southern California (USC).