College of Communication > Student Resources > Student Organizations

Student Organizations

The Ad Society Visits iHeartRadio
DePaul Ad Society members visiting iHeartRadio as one of several agency visits throughout the year.

Collaborate with Other Communicators

Pursuing an education in communication is not only about life inside the classroom—it's also about collaborating with other communicators who have similar interests and career goals. The College of Communication offers a variety of communication-oriented student organizations that bring your education to life, helping you practice your discipline and build your skills as a professional communicator. Visit each organization below to learn how you can get involved.

Free Student Membership for Select Professional Journalism Organizations

Through the generosity of a DePaul Vincentian Endowment Grant, the College of Communication will cover the cost for a student membership in select professional journalism organizations. Learn more.

College of Communication Student Organizations

  • AMEJA DePaul

    AMEJA DePaul

    ​The purpose of the DePaul chapter of the Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association (AMEJA) is to support journalists of Middle East and North African descent and to educate journalists to improve coverage of the region in the news.

  • The Ad Society

    The Ad Society

    The Ad Society brings together students who share a passion for great advertising and communication solutions.
  • Graduate Communication Association

    Graduate Communication Association

    ​A student-led, student-run organization with the primary goal of creating community, relationships and camaraderie among students enrolled in graduate programs in the College of Communication.
  • DePaul University Association of Black Journalists (DUABJ)

    DePaul University Association of Black Journalists (DUABJ)

    ​​The mission of DePaul University Association of Black Journalists is to equip African American journalists and communications majors with professional career skills.

  • Lambda Pi Eta

    Lambda Pi Eta

    Lambda Pi Eta (LPH) is the official honor society for students majoring in Communication and Media, Communication Studies, Co​mmunication and Technology, and Organizational Communication.
  • NAHJ DePaul

    NAHJ DePaul

    As the student chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists at DePaul University, NAHJ DePaul connects members to leaders in the industry, helps them prepare for internships and jobs, hosts speakers and coordinates cultural events.

  • Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)

    Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)

    ​The DePaul Chapter of the PRSSA cultivates a favorable and mutually advantageous relationship between students and professional public relationship practitioners.
  • SPJ/ONA DePaul

    SPJ/ONA DePaul

    The DePaul Society of Professional Journalists/Online News Association supports First Amendment rights and offers ethical guidance for journalists through networking events, social media programs, journalism panels and more.

Free Student Membership for Select Professional Journalism Organizations

Through the generosity of a DePaul Vincentian Endowment Grant, the College of Communication will cover the cost for a student membership in the following professional journalism organizations. This opportunity is available to all College of Communication students:

  • Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association (AMEJA)   
  • Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA)
  • Indigenous Journalists Association (IJA)
  • National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ)
  • National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ)
  • National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA)
  • South Asian Journalists Association (SAJA)​

Limit one membership per student per year, as long as funding is available. To apply for funding, complete this form. In addition to the above organizations, College of Communication students may also join the following organizations at a student rate: