DePaul SPJ/ONA (DePaul Society of Professional Journalists/Online News Association Student Organization), the two-time national SPJ National Outstanding Campus Chapter of the Year, supports First Amendment rights and offers ethical guidance for journalists.
The group, which has more than 60 members, organizes several fun programs each year, such as networking events, social media programs, journalism panels, and more.
Students organize events and programs in the following categories in order to be eligible for regional and national honors: diversity, ethics, freedom of information and community service.
The group launched of an alumni advisory committee to help mentor current members and shape the direction of the chapter. Our former executive board members now work full-time at media outlets such as ESPN, The Associated Press, Chicago Sun-Times/Aggrego, Crain’s Chicago Business, 120 Sports Chicago, the Chicago Blackhawks and KISS FM.
DePaul students also benefit from entering their work in the annual SPJ Mark of Excellence awards. DePaul has led Region 5 each of the last three years with the most total awards, including 23 this past spring.
Students who are interested should visit SPJ/ONA DePaul's blog for more information and follow us on
Please contact faculty adviser
Amy Merrick at
amerric1@depaul.edu for additional information.