College of Communication > Academics > Graduate Programs > Independent Study & Experiential Learning

Independent Study and Experiential Learning Policy

Graduate students in the College of Communication are permitted to take a maximum of 8 credits worth of independent study/experiential learning courses. These courses include:

  • CMN 591 Internship
  • CMN 592 Independent Study
  • CMN 593 Research Practicum
  • JOUR 517 Experiential Learning in Journalism

Independent Study

Independent study is an opportunity for high-achieving students with substantial training in a communication subspecialty to individually shape a course of study with a faculty expert. An independent study is not a substitute for regular curricular offerings, a way around requirements or a schedule alternative for students unwilling to accommodate the timetable of a needed course. Independent study is an avenue for continued learning if a student possesses the initiative and discipline to structure and pursue a course of study on fairly independent terms.

If you are interested in conducting an independent study, please consult with your program director before proceeding.

  • Student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above in their graduate coursework.
  • Student must have completed a minimum of six courses in their graduate program.
  • Student must obtain a faculty sponsor who is willing to serve as a resource person and evaluator in accordance with proposal guidelines. Please note that only full-time faculty are eligible to serve as independent study mentors.
  • Student must manifest the characteristics of initiative, discipline, independence and persistence that makes successful accomplishment of the independent study seem likely.
  • Student must meet deadlines, keep appointments, complete assignments/projects as agreed in the proposal. Substantial abbreviation of the timetable, which results in superficial study, will be unacceptable and cause for appropriate action by the faculty advisor. The student agrees to work independently, thus it is not the faculty member’s responsibility to follow-up with the student to receive timely work.

STEP 1: Student must submit an independent study request form and an independent study proposal. The independent study proposal will contain as a minimum the following provisions:

  • Title of the independent study course
  • Description of the course
  • Rational for study (why the “independent” dimension is required)
  • Projected resources, bibliography of readings, films, tapes, etc.
  • Assignments/projects envisioned
  • Timetable: this should include in specific terms the number and dates of student/faculty meetings and deadlines for assignments
  • Evaluation criteria (what criteria will be used to evaluate your performance?)

This proposal will serve as the course syllabus and it can be referred to in cases of grade challenges. Only changes mutually agreeable to student and instructor are permissible and then such arrangements must be in place in writing and signed by both parties.

STEP 2: The independent study request form must be signed and approved by your faculty advisor and graduate program director before being submitted. If approved, you will be registered for the appropriate independent study course (CMNS 592, HTHC 592, JOUR 592, MCS 592, PRAD 592).

STEP 3: Please submit your signed, completed independent study form and proposal to:

College of Communication
Graduate Independent Studies
14 E. Jackson Blvd., Suite 1814

Please submit your independent study form and proposal by the following dates:

  • Fall quarter independent study: September 1
  • Winter quarter independent study: December 15
  • Spring quarter independent study: March 15
  • Summer quarter independent study: June 1

Research Practicum

The research practicum is an opportunity for high-achieving students with substantial training in a communication subspecialty to connect with a faculty expert. Students will train in a specialized communication research method and/or achieve hands-on practice in conducting scholarly research.

The research practicum may take various forms. For example, the student may become part of an ongoing research project led by the faculty member, and the research practicum would provide an opportunity for the student to apply previously studied research methods to the research project. Typical activities include data gathering, data analysis, interpretation of results, and writing research reports.

If the student wants to learn about a particular research method practiced by the faculty expert but not available in a regular graduate course offering, then the research practicum could be a course of study focusing on specialized research method(s) with agreed upon readings and assignments.

  • Student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above in their graduate coursework.
  • Student must have completed a minimum of six courses in their graduate program.
  • Student must obtain a faculty sponsor who is willing to serve as a resource person and evaluator in accordance with proposal guidelines. Please note that only full-time faculty are eligible to serve as research practicum mentors.
  • Student must manifest the characteristics of initiative, discipline, independence and persistence that makes successful accomplishment of the research practicum seem likely.
  • Student must meet deadlines, keep appointments, complete assignments/projects as agreed in the proposal. Substantial abbreviation of the timetable, which results in superficial study, will be unacceptable and cause for appropriate action by the faculty advisor. While working in conjunction with the faculty expert, the student agrees to the independent nature of the research practicum, thus it is not the faculty member’s responsibility to follow-up with the student to receive timely work.

STEP 1: Student must submit a research practicum request form and a research practicum proposal. The research practicum proposal will contain the following provisions:

  • Title of the research practicum course
  • Description of the course
  • Rational for the research practicum (and specifically, the independent nature of the course)
  • Projected resources, e.g., bibliography of scholarly readings on research and research methods, lab time needed, etc.
  • Assignments/projects envisioned and how much each is worth
  • Timetable: this should include in specific terms the number and dates of student/faculty meetings and deadlines for assignments
  • Evaluation criteria (What criteria will be used to evaluate your performance? What are the policies for late assignments?)

This proposal will serve as the course syllabus and it can be referred to in cases of grade challenges. Only changes mutually agreeable to student and instructor are permissible and then such arrangements must be in place in writing and signed by both parties.

STEP 2: The form must be signed and approved by your faculty advisor and graduate program director before being submitted. If approved by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, you will then be registered for the graduate research practicum course.

STEP 3: Please submit your signed, completed research practicum form and proposal by email to the Assistant Director for Graduate Student Services or in hard copy to:

College of Communication
Graduate Research Practicum
14 E. Jackson Blvd., Suite 1814

Please submit your research practicum form and proposal by the following dates:

  • Fall quarter independent study: September 1
  • Winter quarter independent study: December 15
  • Spring quarter independent study: March 15
  • Summer quarter independent study: June 1