Pictured from left to right: Tyler Sundra, Brooke Vogel, Tessa Hruska, Sydney Roberts, Maddie Pluntz, Delila Moreno, Sadie Guffy, Sarah Guzmán, and Kayla Coleman. Photo Credit: Juliet Stantz, PRSSA Faculty Advisor.
The DePaul Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) chapter shined bright at this year's PRSSA International Conference (ICON) in the golden state of California, sweeping up an impressive array of awards and recognitions in Anaheim. ICON is the annual conference that brings students and professionals in public relations together to network, learn, and share innovative ideas through engaging sessions, workshops, and an awards ceremony.DePaul PRSSA received a ninth Star Chapter recognition and two prestigious Dr. F. H. Teahan Chapter Awards, for Outstanding District Conference and Outstanding Service to the University. This is the third Outstanding District Conference Award for the chapter in the past five years. Chapter President Sadie Guffy took home the esteemed Betsy Plank Scholarship, and five Executive Board members received ICON registration scholarships to attend. These awards follow the chapter's success at last year's conference, where they were honored with the 2023 Outstanding Chapter Teahan Award. These wins showcase the team's commitment, dedication and passion for the public relations (PR) field.
DePaul PRSSA was humbled to receive these awards. The Teahan Award for Outstanding District Conference was in recognition of the 2024 PRSSA Midwest District Conference 'PRess Play.' Held over an impactful two days in February, the event hosted 120 students from across the country and offered an array of opportunities, including agency site visits, headshots, keynotes, panels, and hands-on networking. Public Relations Society of America professionals were on hand to give students an invaluable inside look at agency life and the chance to connect with seasoned industry leaders. The conference focused on helping students 'press play' on their future PR careers.
Additionally, DePaul PRSSA's Outstanding Service to DePaul University honor was accredited to the chapter's commitment to the DePaul mission of offering enrichment opportunities to all students, including its 'Dues-ership' program and an array of professional development events, agency visits, and career coaching open to all students. These opportunities foster student involvement, which is associated with higher retention, as well as contribute to DePaul's PR and Advertising program's excellent national reputation.
None of these honors could be achieved without the hard work of the chapter's Executive Board and committee members: President Sadie Guffy, Vice-President Delila Moreno, Vice-President of Public Relations Brooke Vogel, Vice-President of Events Sydney Roberts, Vice-President of Archives/Treasurer Tessa Hruska, Vice-President of Belonging, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Maddie Pluntz, Vice-President of Promotions Tyler Sundra, Vice-President of Membership Kayla Coleman and Promotions Committee Member Sarah Guzmán. This amazing team is fiercely led by Faculty Advisor Juliet Stantz, an instructor in the PRAD program.
ICON was an inspiring experience for the DePaul team. Returning to Chicago with fresh insights and valuable connections, the team is now looking forward to applying everything learned to host yet another PRSSA Midwest district conference, February 20-21, 2025. DePaul PRSSA aims to influence even more students' lives next year and further cement the chapter's legacy of providing impactful experiences for attendees. The two-day event, entitled “Beyond the Skyline," will provide pre-professional students the chance to visit the Windy City, an opportunity-rich hub for PR. Participants will explore the PR landscape in Chicago and beyond, engaging with local experts and global leaders. They will be immersed in successful campaigns and gain insights into what goes into a successful PR career.
For more information, visit the DePaul PRSSA and Beyond the Skyline conference websites.