College of Communication > About > College News > 2021 Communication Studies Video Contest

2021 Communication Studies Video Contest


Are you a Communication Studies star?
Tell us about it for a chance to win an Amazon gift card!

Hey Communication Studies students, what’s your story?

The Communication Studies program is hosting a student video contest, and we want to hear your story of Communication Studies at DePaul. The contest will award the top video submissions with Amazon gift cards up to $100. Your videos will be part of a marketing project to help tell the story of Communication Studies at DePaul to new students. This call is wide open.

Some prompts to get you thinking:

  • How did a specific class, professor, group project or idea strongly impact you?
  • How does your Communication Studies education link to your everyday life off campus? Your internships/employment? Your activism?
  • How has your Communication Studies degree prepared you professionally and/or creatively?

Contest Guidelines

Videos should be between 2-3 minutes in length. Be creative. We want to hear your voice, about your accomplishments, and to be able to share your experiences with future Communication Studies students. Submissions are due by Friday, February 26, 2021 at 5 p.m.

Guidelines for Filming

  • Use a phone camera or webcam. If using a phone, orient the camera horizontally. (Use the highest quality camera you have access to. This will likely be your phone.)
  • When filming, face a window or light source & put your camera at eye-level.
  • Consider your background and your background noise. Make it intentional and keep it quiet.
  • Try to avoid choppy edits. Aim for one long take or shorter takes with smooth edits.
  • Please do not include any copyrighted music or images in your video.

How to Enter

  1. Complete the Photo and Video Release Form to give the College of Communication permission to use and share your video with internal and external audiences.
  2. Upload your video file to this Google Form. (Note: You must sign in to a Google account in order to upload a file to the form.)

We will notify winners within two weeks of the February 26th submission deadline. Good luck!

Questions? Email Professor Dusty Goltz at