Ryan Shanks (CMN ’97) felt immediately drawn to DePaul. He explains why, as a small-town high school student and a Catholic, he jumped at the chance to experience the university’s urban and Vincentian character. His current work as a managing director at Accenture in Ireland also gives him insight into DePaul’s global importance.
I remember when I got the materials from DePaul. There was something that just clicked when I received the information and read about it, its mission and its location—everything about it.
I was involved in a lot of extracurricular activities. I had my degree in political science and communication, but then I was SGA president my junior year, and I was an RA and an orientation mentor. I also participated in the service trips, particularly the Alternative Spring Break, to New Orleans and Tijuana.
On a global basis, I think the DePaul mission is really relevant to the times we’re facing as a society. With the recession where it is at the moment and the uncertainty we have around the globe, I think the combination of the core skills—whether it be business or liberal arts education or whatever—that we pick up from DePaul is great, but I think the broader community aspects and the Vincentian mission of the place bodes us quite well. We need a bit more of that in the world, to be honest.